1168A Agilent Probe Amplifier
Additional Features:
Bandwidth: 10 GHz
Dynamic Range: 3.3 V peak to peak
DC Offset Range: ± 16 V
Maximum Voltage: ±30V
Differential Input R: 50 k ohm.
Differential Input C: 0.21 pF.
Single Ended Input R: 25 k ohm.
Single Ended Input C: 0.35 pF.
The Keysight Agilent HP 1168A with 10 GHz, InfiniiMax probing system is designed to be used with DSO/DSA91204A Infiniium oscilloscopes and also provides a full real-time bandwidth up to 10 GHz. The award winning InfiniiMax probing system supports even the most demanding mechanical access requirements without sacrificing it’s performance.