P5210A Tektronix Differential Probe
Tektronix P5210A Features:
Bandwidth: 50 MHz
Differential Voltage: 1000X: ±5600 V; 100X: ±560 V
Common Mode Voltage: ±5600 V
Overrange Indicator
Safety Certified
Switchable Attenuation
Switchable Bandwidth Limit
Floating Measurements
Switching Power Supply Design
Motor Drive Design
Electronic Ballast Design
CRT Display Design
Power Converter Design and Service
Power Device Evaluation
The Tektronix P5210A has the largest differential dynamic range capability from Tektronix, allowing users to safely measure up to ±6000 V. These probes are supplied with two sizes of hook tips and have an overrange visual and audible indicator which warns the user when they are exceeding the linear range of the probe.